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Hotel Beyfin Cluj-Napoca, Romania Hotel Beyfin Cluj-Napoca, Romania

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Surroundings Baisoara Mountain Resort

Baisoara Mountain Resort

This resort is situated in Baisoara village and has 5 ski slopes for those who love winter sports. The slopes have means of transport on cable, with a total length of approximately 4.5 km.

You can reach the resort on a modernized road, that starts from the county road DJ 107M in Baisoara and then goes 10 km up the valley to the Muntele Baisorii village, and then another 8 km to the resort. (the distance from Cluj-Napoca to the resort is 60 km). The usual access is from Cluj-Napoca or Turda by car or by bus until the Muntele Baisorii village, then 45 minutes walking. In the winter there are buses that go straight to the resort.